Dealing With a First-Time Car Accident Case in Prince George’s County
Individuals dealing with a car accident case in Maryland for the first time should expect that the process is going to take some time. They should expect that even the most clear-cut accidents will be defended by the other side. They should also expect that the plaintiff is going to be required to prove every aspect of the case and that there will not be any admissions or acknowledgements provided by the at-fault person. Below, a Prince George’s County motor vehicle accident lawyer discusses the process of dealing with a car accident for the first time and some important steps to take. Call today to schedule a consultation for more in-depth assistance.
Contact An Attorney Before Speaking to Insurance Companies
The thing that people do not really understand is that the insurance company is contacting them to investigate the claim.
Insurance companies will only pay claims when it is required to pay the claim. Accordingly, the goal of the insurance company is to investigate the claim in order to see if there is any reason NOT to pay the claim.
Some people may think that the insurance companies are on their side, or just doing their jobs in order to pay the claim. This is simply not the case in my experience. Insurance companies do not want to pay claims when they don’t have to, and the best way to find a reason not to pay a claim is through their investigations.
Things You Say to Insurance Companies Can Be Used Against You
Speaking with an insurance company can have a negative impact on the personal injury case because the injured person may unwittingly say something that is detrimental to the case. The injured person may offer unsolicited information or use common phrases which do not accurately describe the situation. People will sometimes say, “Well, he or she saw this” or, “He or she heard that person say that.” These statements may only be assumptions. Assumptions do not prove facts.
In summary, when you are talking with insurance companies it is important to be as specific as possible, because the insurance company will likely record your statement and ultimately use that statement against you perhaps two, three or five years down the road.
Injuries For People Without Healthcare
When a person does not have health insurance it is very difficult for them to fully understand the treatment process and her/she may not know how to seek treatment. This is an issue which a personal injury attorney can help an injured person through. The attorney can provide them guidance and explain the process to them so that they can receive the appropriate and necessary care.
Ideally, it should not impact the claim in any way. However, this is an issue that needs to be addressed at the outset of the case so that the attorney can advise the client on how this issue may impact the case going forward.
Accidents By Uninsured or Underinsured Drivers
In that type of situation a person can make a claim against their own insurance company. People may not understand this process or how to go about it, but if the person were to consult with an experienced attorney, then that attorney could guide the injured person through the process of initiating an uninsured motorist’s claim with his/her own insurance company. The attorney can also explain to the client any applicable recovery limits.
The Role of an Attorney
The role of the attorney in personal injury cases is like that of a coach for a sports team. The injured person is like a player who looks to the coach for guidance and instructions. Similarly, the coach does his best to advocate on behalf of the client and to put the client in a good situation for a recovery. The attorney’s role in these cases is vital and important. The actions of that attorney will ultimately determine the outcome of the case.
Generally, with an attorney the client has someone to talk with about the process, including what to expect next, what is going on with the claim and how the process works. A person who tries to handle the claim on his/her own may have some roadblocks in talking with the insurance companies. An injured person may even receive an offer from an insurance company, but there will be no one for the injured person to consult with as to whether or not that is a fair offer. The injured person will not have legal advice on whether or not they should be considering anything else in terms of damages or potential compensation. Therefore, one of the advantages of having an attorney is simply to have someone there to seek guidance from throughout their personal injury case.